Dr. D’vorah Graeser Founder & CEO of KISSPatent

“HUSTLE! Hustle is the only controllable pillar of success. It’s the most important word, ever.”

This interview is with Dr. D’vorah Graeser Founder & CEO of KISSPatent. With offices in Chicago, New York and Eindhoven she tells us all about why and how it’s easier now than ever to get a patent for your startup.

 What is your company and what is its main goal? 

My company is KISSPatent and our main goal is to help disruptive innovators obtain patents, defend their ideas, and scale their businesses. Essentially, we’re a patent agency with a startup mentality, employing lean strategies and we are highly focused in technology.

We believe that patents should be available to everyone, not only big companies. This is why we offer fixed-priced services instead of hourly fees, like all other patent agencies. Patents shouldn’t be complicated, confusing or expensive. Our goal is to simplify the patent process and help innovators, regardless of their size or what stage they’re in.  

When did you start your business and why? 

I’ve been a patent agent for over 20 years, but KISSPatent is only five years old. With businesses in Chicago, Tel Aviv and Eindhoven I’ve always been involved in Intellectual Property — filing patents, trademark, and copyright applications for software, healthcare (medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biotech, and diagnostics), physics, and optics.

I always saw the need for a simplified and affordable patenting process. Clients always seem to have the misconception that patenting is difficult, confusing and expensive — and it doesn’t have to be so. This is when I decided to create KISSPatent. 

What makes you different from your competition? 

KISSPatent is very different from our competition in many ways. 

First of all, our team is completely remote — this allows us to operate in a very agile and lean way, offering our clients worldwide and around-the-clock customer service. 

Our affordable, fixed-price packages make Intellectual Property attainable for everyone, we don’t work by the hour like other patent agencies. 

We are highly focused on technology. We are in the final stage of developing our own AI-assisted tool to automate and simplify the patent process. 

We pride ourselves on being transparent and sharing our knowledge openly with everyone. We have a Learning Hub, where we have hundreds of easy-to-digest insights on startup trends, intellectual property, technology etc. And we also have a Resource Center, which hosts other resources for innovators like ebooks, webinars, white papers etc. 

What marketing channels do you use for your growth?

As far as marketing channels for our growth, we have various strategies. Our website is probably our most important marketing channel. This is where our clients come to learn more about our business and find answers to their questions. Our business is represented as well as our brand, products and services. We take really good care of our website. 

Social media is a big player in our marketing channels (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook). We focus on being as transparent as can be and creating relationships, not sales. Our goal is to offer valuable information, insights and community-building opportunities that our users won’t find anywhere else. Fundamentally, leveraging social media for all its worth. 

Email marketing is our third marketing channel, where we send weekly newsletters to users that have opted to hear from us. This is where we really take advantage of sending out our latest news, products, sales and always offer incredible value. 

Content Marketing and SEO is another marketing channel we use for our growth. Its like a savings account, where as time goes on, we get compounding interest making it even more valuable. Our content marketing demonstrates our authority and expertise, all while helping us reach customers at different stages of the funnel. Our evergreen posts offer SEO benefits for a very long time to come. As people continue to search them out, and all of our content provides valuable relationship building and lead generation capabilities. 

What are you expected to grow in terms of revenue in the next 12 months?

Our expectation is to double our growth in terms of revenue in the next 12 months. Fortunately, we have been doubling our growth every year, and we expect this year to be no different. We are soon about to launch our Innovation Platform, as well as our AI-supported chatbot, which our clients are anxiously awaiting for and will help boost our growth and scalability.

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