How Marcus Cobb Launched Jammber

Interview with Marcus Cobb and Jammber.

What is your company and what is its main goal?

Music tech company, Jammber, is on the mission to break down the barriers created by outdated practices in the music industry so more people can make a living doing what they love. This mission is accomplished through thoughtfully designed tools, including apps and project management software, that increase the accuracy and efficiency of royalty payments to creatives within the music industry.

When did you start your business and why? 

Marcus Cobb founded Jammber in 2013. The inspiration for Jammber came when Marcus and a friend visited a well-known major music company and saw a stack of royalty checks waiting to go out/had been returned. When Marcus asked why the checks hadn’t been cashed, he was shocked by their answer – They didn’t know where or who to send the check to. With his background in entertainment and software development, Marcus believed he could solve this problem through the use of technology.

What makes you different from your competition? 

“Jammber has competitors like any other company. The other companies in the space are Auddly, SongSpace,, but there is only one Jammber. That is our strength. We realized that we could develop a suite of workflow tools (ex: Google Suite, Adobe Creative Suite) for the music industry: collecting metadata, sharing files, tracking ownership and royalties payments. By taking the platform approach, we had fringe competitors on almost every aspect of our business but no one at the time was offering a broadly available platform approach. This automatically set Jammber apart from other music tech companies playing in the space,” says Jammber Co-Founder and CEO, Marcus Cobb.

What marketing channels do you use for your growth?

We use a variety of marketing channels to aid in our growth. Digital marketing has been a great tool for us, this includes social media, PPC ads, email marketing campaigns. Social media and email campaigns have been an especially great way for us to build an active community of clients. As we have been growing, a more hands-on approach has helped us earn the trust of the tightknit music industry and build brand awareness. This approach has been successful through the strategic use of partnerships, sponsorships and strong visibility at industry events.

What are you expected to grow in terms of revenue in the next 12 months?

Jammber is poised for its biggest year to date. With the release of the first tool within the Creators Suite being released in Q3 and other soon to be announced developments.

“We spent years researching the primary pain points facing the music industry and have been able to create a product that will solve many of those pain points. As a result, I’m more optimistic about Jammber today than I have ever been. We are on track in ways we never imagined. I believe Jammber will be a billion-dollar company as a result,” says Cobb.

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