Evvan-Joi Croll Founder and Owner of The STEM Nanny Company

Evvan-Joi Croll is an entrepreneur from Houston, Texas. She created a proprietary, milestone-based curriculum. They promote developmental leaps through play in ages two months – 2 years old and do exciting, hands-on STEM projects and experiments with children ages 3 – 13 years old.

Here is her Under 25 story! 

I am a 23-year-old Biology graduate and the owner of The STEM Nanny Company in Houston, Texas. We provide an innovative service at the intersection of education and high-quality childcare. Our babysitters and nannies arrive at parents’ homes equipped with all the materials to perform exciting, hands-on STEM projects and experiments with their little ones.

My interest in science began in the 7th grade with an explosive experiment and hasn’t wained through becoming a Biology graduate. I am an example of how one exciting learning instance can change the trajectory of a child’s life. As a babysitter of 6 years, I also had the pleasure of observing the excitement on a child’s face when a reaction would shoot into the air or a structure they built flew. Together, these aspects prompted me to leap into what I thought could be a fantastic business. I now have five employees, continue to hire and am planning our first expansion to Austin, Texas, in 2020.

The biggest challenge in building a business from scratch is that you must implement every system or process. My advice for overcoming this is to access the resources that surround us consistently. I dove into Rhonda Abrams’ The 6-Week Startup and began taking every necessary step. I took at least a dozen classes at Houston’s Small Business Development Center to learn and clarify my processes. They host affordable courses such as Small Business Marketing, Employees vs. Independent Contractors, Forming an Entity, and much more. My most significant piece of advice, especially for those of us without business backgrounds, is to take active advantage of the resources and information surrounding us. Books, podcasts, meetups, seminars, etc.”

Evvan-Joi is no stranger to hard work and perseverance and this shows with her fantastic business. She is leading our future generations with state of the art educational programs

The Under 25 section of 1PRCNT is meant to showcase to everyone that there are plenty of young entrepreneurs out in the business world making strides to better themselves and the world around them. 

If you are an entrepreneur under the age of 25 and have a story you would like to share then please feel free to email us and we would love to interview you! 

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